I ordered some frozen fruit, yogurt, and milk in the shopping and asked Rachel to bring in her blender.
I called everyone over when it was time to make the ice blocks. You all gathered around the table, fascinated by the blender and wondering what we could be using it for. I had all the ingredients ready on the tables and invited you all to watch.
First, I grabbed the frozen berries and Ashley tipped them in the blender. Next, it was Cameron's turn and he poured the berries into the blender. Everyone got a taste test of the berries. Ashley told me they were "cold."
Tara added more milk to the mixture as it wasn't quite ready yet. Tara helped turn on the blender so we could mix the milk in.
Now that our milk was all blended in, it was time to add some yogurt. Ben poured in the yogurt. We turned the blender on for the final mix and then it was time for a taste test.
Mikayla and Ben were both lining up, waiting to have a taste. I offered some to Layla, but she wasn't sure if she wanted any. Next was Ashley who was really keen to have a taste test.
I poured the mixture into the ice block molds and put them in the freezer. We had a little bit left over so everyone
got to have a taste test again.
On Wednesday we finally got to eat our ice blocks. As soon a Mikayla saw me coming through the gate she ran as fast as her little legs could go and yelled "jesssss." I think she was very excited about the ice blocks.
I sat everyone outside and handed them an ice block each one by one. We sat in the nice warm sun nibbling on our ice blocks.
Making and eating ice blocks is a great way to continue our focus on summer fun as who doesn't love an ice block on a hot day.
What do you do with your child on a hot summers day?
YUM! They seemed to love it