Wednesday, 18 January 2017

What did we do this Summer?

Hi babies and a Happy New Year to you and all your family. This summer we have been doing things a little bit differently due to some of you being on holiday and the renovations that have been happening in our room.

For the first three weeks after Christmas, we were downstairs in the Kowhai room. You all enjoyed the new and different environment and playground. The trampoline was a highlight for everyone as there was almost always a baby jumping on the tramp.

You also enjoyed the different vehicles they had downstairs. Ashley was particularly interested in the scooter and pushing it around.
The cars were also a huge attraction downstairs and everyone loved pushing their limits and climbing the playground equipment.

One of the favourite things about summer is ice blocks. We made lots of yummy ice blocks and sat around the table with all the older children eating them.

While we were downstairs our room was being renovated and a few walls were being knocked out and painted.

Our kitchen it now open and we are looking forward to a new benchtop later this year.


Now that we are back in our own room you have been enjoying getting back into doing lots of art and different experiences. I set up some ziplock bags with paint in them and cello taped them to the window. Layla, Sophie and Cameron have been enjoying squishing the paint and letting the light shine through.

We have all had such an exciting summer at KCC or on holiday with your family. Rachel and I look forward to the new year and all the exciting experiences we can do together.

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