Thursday, 30 March 2017


Hi everyone, 

recently we have changed our we transition the older children into the toddlers room. Every morning at 9:30 with Rachel or myself take the 5 oldest children downstairs for a play in the big kids playground. They have morning tea downstairs and then are free to play in the playground or take part in the art activities provided. 

They have been really enjoying all the different experiences and activities that have been provided. They also like being able to challenge themselves on new and harder equipment. One of the most exciting pieces of equipment has been the new boat we are acquired for the playground. Last week the children really enjoyed painting it. 

Check out the photos that our big babies have been doing.


Monday, 20 March 2017

St Patricks Day

Last Friday we celebrated St Patricks day at KCC. Here are a few pictures of the babies dressed in green and eating green pancakes at afternoon tea.

Thank you to everyone who got involved and dressed up in green.


Monday, 13 March 2017

Water Slide

With the hot weather starting to cool down we having been taking advantage of the oppourtunites to do water lay with the babies in the afternoon. One of the teachers from the Pheonix House showed me an image of a baby water slide. It had a small slide going into a padding pool. It got me thinking about how I could modifiy it for the babies in the fantails room.

I grabed one of the slides we had and place it into the water trough. Ta da! a slide for the babies.

Check out the photos below of all the fun they had.


Fantail's Grandparent's Day

To all the grandparents who came and enjoyed our activities Thank you for coming and we appreciate your participation. Our tamariki enjoyed also your  presence in our centre. Kapai!